Forming missionary disciples for college and beyond.
Dear Friends in Christ,
The years of college are so vitally important in the life of faith. It was during my two years at Johnson & Wales University that I made the commitment to my Catholic faith and received both my First Communion and Confirmation. The four years which followed at The Catholic Univeristy of America is where my initial commitment was strengthened, I was formed and accompanied by good friends and mentors, and I learned the great joy that life with Christ produces! I can remember the rush of freedom that came with my college years and know that that freedom can bear great fruit. A Newman Center is a place for the seed of faith to be watered and fed, a place where the life of faith ceases to be something simply inhereted from our parents and becomes our very own.
You can join us for Mass and Adoration in our chapel, serve the poor and vulnerable with us, come and be fed and find community at our weekly Thursday Dinner and Newman Night, or just swing by the Newman Center to work on homework or eat lunch between classes. Wherever you are on your journey of faith, you are welcome here and we are excited to journey with you on what I have come to know as the Long Road to God that we all find ourselves on. Like the two disciples on the Road to Emmaus, you will encounter Jesus here, you'll make friends to walk with you on the road, you'll find a vibrant community of missionary disciples who love the Lord, and you'll receive the formation to help you go back to your dorm, class, team, club, family, and community ready to bring the Light of Christ to our world!
Brian Rhude
Campus Minister